My BF and I decided to improvise in the kitchen tonight and came up with this wonderful soup. It has a bit of a kick but awesome flavor. We both stuffed...
This is a good basic pressure cooker risotto recipe. I was skeptical at the idea of quality risotto from a pressure cooker, but this produces the texture...
This quick and easy side dish has a lot of flavor, is quick, and is mighty convenient when the stove is going full steam ahead. It's also easy to leave...
This is another recipe I got from one of our potlucks at work. My husband likes this one. It is a little warm, so better test it before giving it to the...
If you're looking for a great tasing low sodium rice side dish recipe, this is it. This is pretty mild, so adjust the seasonings if you're looking for...
I say another fried rice recipe. No matter how many recipes you come across here at Zaar, this one is the best, I assure you. What makes it...
I never could cook short-grain East Asian-style rice until I learned this method from Japanese cookbooks. I knew what I was after: the rice should stick...
A mildly spiced pilaf, this great side dish can be turned into a complete meal by adding leftover roast chicken or cooked chickpeas. Add an additional...
Fried rice is what you make when you have leftover rice from the meal before. You can clean out your fridge and add leftover diced cooked pork, chicken...
When we lived at Fort Polk, another military wife, Claire, shared this recipe with me after I tasted it at a dinner party she hosted. It is now one of...
This is easy, simple and wonderful. The original recipe which was printed in the Spring 2005 Penzeys catalog, calls for long-grain rice; however, I liked...
This recipe contains green chiles which is different from the other recipes posted. We make this every year for Thanksgiving and we fight over the left...
These were made by my grandmother while I was growing up. Whenever she made them, some always made their way to our house. She would make them in the morning...
Everyone loves this, even my mother, who claimed to not like rice. I grow Saffron, so I garnish the rice with a Saffron Crocus flower when I serve it....
A friend of mine from work taught me the concept of cooking rice in a skillet years ago and it's basically how I prepare "plain" rice most of the time....
Stuffed grape leaves with egg-lemon sauce, a Greek dish. Can be used as a main dish, side dish or appetizers. Love this for dinner parties, showers, etc....
I doubt this really qualifies as authentic Chinese cuisine, but it's delicious nonetheless and very simple. Use pre-cooked rice that's been sitting in...
Quick and simple way to add some extra flavor to plain old white rice. This was something I threw together to go with some fajitas I had made. I usually...
Suppli alla Telefono is Italian rice balls stuffed with mozzarella cheese and topped with pomodora sauce. I thought I died and went to heaven when I took...
This comes from The Househusband's recipe box and he is graciously allowing me to post it. I have had experience using his recipe, but I far prefer his...
This is from Southern Living. So good. I posted as written. However, if you can actually find "cream of shrimp soup" send me some as I have never seen...
Kobe is a Japanese restaurant from my hometown. I got this recipe from a cookbook called Hometown Cooking with Bank of Granite and credit is given to Robin...
These have been a family favorite for years. My Mom made them for me when I was a kid and now I make them for my kids! You can use store bought meatballs,...
Mad craving that came out insanely tasty. Ingredients are approximate because I didn't measure much which is why most things say 'to taste,' lol. I didn't...
Produces a light fluffy, tasty grain. I always use chicken or beef stock depending what I am serving it with. May be made yellow by adding 1/2 tsp turmeric....
We like to eat this rice when we are having a "tropical" meal. This recipe comes from "Burt Wolf's Menu Cookbook". I usually just put all the ingredients...